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Introducing new enhancements under the Custom fields in the customer module.

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Customer Insights enhancement
6 May, 2024

Introducing new enhancements under the Custom fields in the customer module.

We are excited to unveil the latest enhancements to our AiTrillion Customer Module, focusing on enriching the custom field functionality. With these new features, sellers can now personalize customer data management to a whole new level, offering greater flexibility and customization options.

Detailed Overview & Use Case:

Introduces new field types:

  • Sellers can now leverage additional custom field types such as Select box, Check box, Radio button, and Date field to capture diverse customer information.
  • This expanded range of custom field options enables sellers to gather specific details tailored to their unique business needs, enhancing customer segmentation and targeting capabilities.

Ability to map, view & edit custom field data:

  • Sellers can import custom fields seamlessly using CSV import functionality, ensuring smooth migration and integration of customer data.
  • Custom fields are now prominently displayed on the left sidebar of the customer details page, providing easy access to essential customer information.
  • Sellers can conveniently edit custom field values directly from the customer detail page, streamlining the process of updating customer data.

Add custom field values in the customer listing:

  • Custom fields are now listed alongside standard customer information on the customer listing page, offering a comprehensive overview of customer data at a glance.
  • This improved visibility allows sellers to quickly identify and segment customers based on specific custom field criteria, facilitating targeted marketing and personalized communication strategies.

These enhancements empower sellers to capture, manage, and utilize customer data more effectively, fostering deeper insights, stronger customer relationships, and ultimately driving business growth.

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