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Indore Shopify Meetup

Indore Shopify Meetup

Indore Meetup: Acing with Shopify + AiTrillion!

Series 1 of 7 Cities: 7 Meetups.

Marriott Indore.

October 7th, 2023.

4:00 P.M. Onwards.

The Shopify meetup in Indore marked the initiation of a revolution in Shopify development. It introduced valuable insights and collaborative opportunities aimed at boosting business growth through the potential of recurring revenue.

A diverse group comprising Shopify agencies, partners, digital marketers, developers, and enthusiasts united with a shared goal. Our objective was to cultivate an engaged ecosystem and propel E-Commerce growth specifically tailored for Indian Shopify agencies and sellers aspiring to scale their ventures.

Our Agenda

  1. Grow Recurring Revenue: An opportunity for Shopify Experts to earn recurring revenue from their new and existing Shopify Sellers.
  2. Think Beyond Apps: Think beyond apps and provide better tech solutions to your sellers.
  3. Better Networking: Connect with like-minded communities in the Shopify ecosystem.
  4. Boost Branding: Boost your presence in the wide network of the AiTrillion community via social channels and mass campaigns.
  5. Lead Sharing: Amplify lead generation by getting listed on AiTrillion Partner Directory.

Our Event Lineup

So here’s what the event looked like-

  • 3:30- 4:00 P.M. Welcoming and Registration
  • 4:00- 5:00 P.M. AiTrillion Presentation
  • 5:00- 5:30 P.M. Break
  • 5:30- 6:00 P.M. Q&A Session
  • 6:00- 6:30 P.M. Networking

A few glimpses from the meetup

Highlights of this event-

Meet the host

AiTrillion stands as the ultimate game-changer for Shopify and e-commerce sellers. Elevate your e-commerce venture by enhancing engagement and fostering customer retention through our comprehensive sales and marketing automation platform, equipped with 11+ powerful modules. AiTrillion embodies the exciting future of E-commerce marketing, where success seamlessly meets simplicity!

What’s Next?

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in the Shopify X AiTrillion Meetup. Our sincere appreciation goes to all the experts who gathered for the event and shared their valuable insights.

For those in search of additional E-Commerce events and Shopify Meetups, stay tuned to our blog and social networks for announcements about upcoming events.

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