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Advanced reporting for review imports.

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enhancement Product Reviews
30 Jun, 2024

Advanced reporting for review imports.

We are excited to introduce a powerful new feature in the AiTrillion Review Module that will streamline and enhance your review import process. The new advanced reporting provides detailed insights into your review imports, offering clarity on successfully imported and failed reviews, also provide you the ability to directly download failed review CSV with reason of failed, So that you can update it and import again. This reporting helps you to save the importing time & improve the efficiency of import process.

Key Features of Advanced Reporting:

  • Comprehensive Import Summary: Get a complete overview of your review imports, including the total number of reviews successfully imported and those that failed.
  • Detailed Failure Reasons: Understand the specific reasons why certain reviews failed to import. This information allows you to quickly identify and rectify issues, ensuring a smoother import process.
  • Enhanced Process Efficiency: With clear and actionable reporting, you can address problems promptly and improve the overall speed and accuracy of your review imports.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily access and interpret the advanced reports through an intuitive interface, making it simple to monitor and manage your review imports.

For more information on how to import reviews visit our Help Center or contact our support team via chat.

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