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Custom fields are now available under segmentation!

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Customer Insights enhancement
27 May, 2024

Custom fields are now available under segmentation!

AiTrillion is excited to introduce a major update to our Custom Field Module, designed to help you elevate your marketing strategy with precision and personalization. This enhancement allows you to create customer segments based on custom field data, enabling you to target your audience more effectively with tailored campaigns. Additionally, you can now automate workflows based on these custom field segments, streamlining your marketing processes and improving efficiency. All custom field data is also readily accessible under the customer listing for easy analysis and quick action.

With these powerful new features, you can:

  • Craft Highly Targeted Campaigns: Use custom field data to segment your customers and send personalized marketing messages that resonate with their unique preferences and needs.
  • Automate Your Marketing Efforts: Set up workflows triggered by custom field segments to ensure timely and relevant customer interactions without manual intervention.
  • Enhance Customer Insights: Access and analyze custom field data directly from the customer listing to gain deeper insights into your audience and refine your marketing strategies.

4 Use Cases for Using Custom Fields in Automation Flows for an eCommerce Store:

  1. Personalized Product Recommendations Based on Preferences:
    Collect customer preferences through a form (e.g., interests in specific product categories like electronics, fashion, and home decor).

    Automation Flow: Create an email flow that sends personalized product recommendations based on the selected preferences. For instance, if a customer shows interest in electronics, they will receive emails showcasing the latest gadgets and tech deals.

    Increases the relevance of marketing emails, leading to higher open and click-through rates, and ultimately driving more sales.

  2. Birthday Discounts and Offers:
    Collect customers’ birthdays during the sign-up or checkout process.

    Automation Flow:Set up an automated email that sends a birthday greeting along with a special discount or offers a few days before or on the customer’s birthday.

    Impact: Enhances customer loyalty and encourages repeat purchases by making customers feel valued on their special day.

  3. Post-Purchase Follow-Up Based on Product Type:
    Record the type of product purchased (e.g., electronics, clothing, furniture).

    Automation Flow: Create a follow-up email series that provides care tips, usage guides, or complementary product suggestions tailored to the type of product purchased. For example, customers who purchase electronics might receive setup guides and accessory recommendations.

    Enhances customer satisfaction and reduces returns by providing valuable information and encouraging additional purchases.

  4. Event or Webinar Invitations:
    Gather customer interest in attending events or webinars related to different topics (e.g., fashion trends, tech innovations, home improvement).

    Automation Flow: Send targeted invitations to customers based on their expressed interests. For instance, customers interested in tech innovations can receive invites to webinars about the latest technology trends.

    Impact: Increases event participation and engagement by targeting customers who are genuinely interested in the topics being covered.These use cases demonstrate the powerful capabilities of AiTrillion’s enhanced custom fields feature, enabling eCommerce stores to create highly personalized and effective email automation flows.

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