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Introducing new Customer lifetime value, Attributed loyalty revenue contribution, and Renenue bifurcation reports in the Loyalty module

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enhancement Loyalty Rewards
11 Jun, 2024

Introducing new Customer lifetime value, Attributed loyalty revenue contribution, and Renenue bifurcation reports in the Loyalty module

We are delighted to introduce a comprehensive Analytics section in the AiTrillion Loyalty Module, designed to provide sellers with deeper insights into their loyalty program performance. This exciting addition includes new reports offering valuable revenue contribution data, customer average order value, and more, empowering sellers to make informed decisions and optimize their loyalty strategies.

Detailed Overview & Use Case:

Attributed loyalty revenue contribution report:

  • Sellers can now access the Attributed Loyalty Revenue Contribution report, which displays the total order value generated by the loyalty redeemers and other sources for a specified date range.
  • This report enables sellers to assess the impact of their loyalty program on overall revenue generation, helping them gauge the effectiveness of their loyalty initiatives and identify areas for improvement.

Total revenue bifurcation report:

  • The Total Revenue report provides a detailed breakdown of revenue generated by Non-Members, Loyalty Members, and Redeeming Members.
  • By analyzing revenue distribution across different customer segments, sellers can gain valuable insights into the contribution of their loyalty program to overall sales performance, facilitating more targeted marketing and retention strategies.

Customer average order value analysis report:

  • The Customer Average Order Value report offers insights into the average order value of Non-Members, Non-Redeeming Members, and Redeeming Members, as well as the highest average order value recorded.
  • Sellers can use this information to assess the long-term profitability of different customer segments, identify high-value customers, and tailor their loyalty program incentives to maximize customer average order value.

Help in decision-making:

  • With access to these powerful analytics reports, sellers can gain a deeper understanding of their loyalty program’s performance, identify trends and patterns, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their loyalty strategies.
  • Whether it’s adjusting reward structures, launching targeted promotions, or refining customer segmentation, these insights enable sellers to continuously enhance the effectiveness of their loyalty initiatives and drive sustainable business growth.

The introduction of enhanced analytics capabilities in the AiTrillion Loyalty Module marks a significant step forward in empowering sellers to harness the full potential of their loyalty programs and unlock greater value for their businesses and customers alike.

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