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What’s new in AiTrillion

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Check out the latest improvements and updates that have been made to enhance your experience.
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sms-marketing New Feature Update
27 May, 2024
Fair and Accurate SMS Costs with AiTrillion’s New Credit-Based SMS Pricing System: We are excited to announce the release of our new Credit-Based SMS Pricing...

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Customer Insights enhancement
27 May, 2024
AiTrillion is excited to introduce a major update to our Custom Field Module, designed to help you elevate your marketing strategy with precision and personalization....

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enhancement Product Reviews
8 May, 2024
We are thrilled to announce the latest enhancements to our Product Review Module in AiTrillion, designed to elevate the review experience for both customers and...

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Customer Insights enhancement
6 May, 2024
We are excited to unveil the latest enhancements to our AiTrillion Customer Module, focusing on enriching the custom field functionality. With these new features, sellers...

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enhancement Product Reviews
24 Apr, 2024
We are excited to announce a new feature in the AiTrillion Review Module that empowers sellers to ensure the quality and authenticity of customer reviews....

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enhancement Recurring Membership
24 Apr, 2024
We are thrilled to announce the latest enhancements to our Membership V2 module, designed to streamline sales tracking and improve member communication. With these new...

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Loyalty Rewards New Feature Update
29 Mar, 2024
Overview: In a bid to enhance flexibility and maximize savings for both sellers and customers, AiTrillion proudly introduces a new feature under the Loyalty Reward...

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Recurring Membership New Feature Update
29 Mar, 2024
Overview: AiTrillion proudly unveils its Membership V2 Module, a revolutionary upgrade designed to enhance the Shopify checkout experience. This new iteration operates seamlessly within the...

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Form Builder App
29 Feb, 2024
Introducing Group Tabbed Forms, the most loved feature by the sellers in the dashboard. With this feature, sellers can enhance user interaction by allowing them...

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enhancement Workflow Automation
29 Feb, 2024
In the dynamic world of e-commerce, one persistent challenge faced by online sellers is the issue of abandoned carts, where potential customers add items to...

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Dashboard enhancement
29 Feb, 2024
In the AiTrillion dashboard, we're switching things up to give you clearer insights. Instead of just showing total numbers, now you'll see how your store...

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