What’s one of the toughest challenges to selling online? Customer engagement, customer retention. No, it’s making your customer spend more on your store.
You can start to understand your customers’ needs through Data Enrichment Analytics Report, make sure your store has the right online tools by choosing a quality eCommerce platform like AiTrillion, and conquer sales marketing with… well, there are many excellent ideas that will not only engage & retain your customers but also make them spend more when they land on your store.
Using the right marketing platform will get customers to spend 10 times more than their normal spending habits by giving them extra points when they spend a certain amount (Tier System). So how does this rule benefit you?
How does Loyalty Tier System Work?
The AiTrillion Loyalty Program is a perfect tool for online retailers who need an easy DIY for their store. This rule will allow you to reward extra points to your customers when they spend above a particular threshold (amount). For example, you can reward your customers 2 times (2X) as many points when they spend more than say- $500 in your shop. If you set your multiplier to be 2X, a customer who is supposed to get 500 points will now get 1000 points when they meet your $1000 spending threshold. In the same vein, a 3X multiplier offers 1500 points, and so on.
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